Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-Inflammatory FoodsAnti-inflammatory foods Inflammation can cause havoc on our bodies, and when dealing with chronic pain issues it can intensify the pain. When we have a diet high in saturated fats, carbohydrates and sugars it cause inflammation in our body. By incorporating some of these foods listed below, it can help reduce inflammation and in turn, if you suffer from chronic pain help relieve symptoms. 

Turmeric- a powerful Asian spice contains a natural anti inflammatory compound, curcumin, which is often found in curry blends. It is said that turmeric has significant anti-inflammatory properties and can help with a range of conditions.Inflammation can cause havoc on our bodies, and when dealing with chronic pain issues it can intensify the pain. When we have a diet high in saturated fats, carbohydrates and sugars it cause inflammation in our body. By incorporating some of these foods listed below, it can help reduce inflammation and in turn, if you suffer from chronic pain help relieve symptoms.

Salmon– is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body.  If you aren’t a fan of fish, ensure you are taking a dose of fish oil tablets daily as they can help reduce swelling.

Dark Leafy Greens- The vitamin E in darky leafy greens such as swisse chard, spinach, kale and collard greens can be said to reduce inflammation in the body. These have high amounts of vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium and disease fighting phytochemicals.

Cruciferous vegetables- broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale and cauliflower are amongst the highest vegetables loaded with antioxidants. All containing anti-cancer phytonutrients, which help relieve inflammation and battle allergies. They’re naturally detoxifying, and can help rid the body of harmful waste and toxins.

Ginger- ginger really is a wonderful little super food. It has a range of health benefits such as reducing inflammation in the body, controls bloody sugar levels and aids in digestion.

Almonds– almonds are on of the healthiest foods on the planet. They are rich in Vitamin E, lower bad cholesterol in the body and protect the artery walls from damage.

Blueberries– a delicious fruit rich in phytonutrients, which function as both antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in the body.

Coconut oil- coconut oil the new super food on the block is the latest craze, and boy it is living up to its hype. It is anti-fungal, anti bacterial, controls weight and helps with digestion. It helps reduce inflammation in the body and is great to cook with, put in smoothies or put on your skin.

Not only are all these foods great for you, they taste delicious!